
I was born in New York to a Jewish father and Sicilian mother who met while performing on Broadway (and yes, there’s a story there!).

My father came to faith first, and the rest of the 5 of us fell like dominos. My parents and my three teenaged siblings and I were all baptized together, each one of us testifying how Christ had come into our lives that summer of 1979.

After our dramatic conversion on the streets of San Francisco, my brother and I entered Bible College. Shortly after graduating, I met my beautiful, Proverbs 31 wife, Barb, and we’ve been serving the Lord through the years in various ministries and churches, including missionary work in Japan (with 3 little children) for four years back in the 90’s.

More recently, in 2003, we started meeting on Sunday mornings with a handful of people which has now become a solid church twenty years later. God is good!

It’s a great joy and privilege to get to pastor the best bunch of people in the entire world.

Ross and Barb have 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren. Ross enjoys cycling long distances down the coast of California and has a doctorate degree from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.

Email Pastor Ross: PastorRoss@CCTheRock.org

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