

Arm with goosebumps.

It was only a couple sentences, but it was enough to give the guy goosebumps.

It’s strange, isn’t it?  Those little bumps.

When we feel a bit awed, there they are!

So, there I was getting my bike worked on, and I struck up a conversation with the young man who was swapping out my pedals.

He was very friendly, so I ended up inviting him to church.

“What kind of church?” he asked.

“It’s a Christian church; we teach through the Bible. Have you heard of the Gospel?”

He expressed interest, so I summed it up for him.

It took all of 25 seconds.

“Ya know, we got disconnected from God with that whole thing with Adam and Eve.”

He nodded.

“Jesus came, died on the Cross to pay for our sins, so that we could be reconciled to God and have a relationship with Him.”

That was it.

No more. No less.

His face lit up. He held out his arm and said,


And I thought: Bullseye! The Holy Spirit was at work!

And Lord willing, it’s the start of a change of heart for this young man that will end with eternal life.

According to the Bible, the Gospel (the message itself) is “the very power of God.”

Never forget that when you’re sharing with the unbeliever sitting across from you.

This Message is not merely human words–it’s different from every other thought we may convey to one another.

It’s not Shakespeare.

It’s not philosophy or religion.

It’s not good words to live by.
It’s not anyone’s personal opinion.

It’s power.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

Power to raise the dead.
Power to save a soul from hell.
Power to impart everlasting life.


Know anyone headed down the wrong road?

Light the fuse.

Bring out the jackhammer.

Take out the elephant gun.

Share the Gospel and unleash the power of the Almighty.

And whether those who hear acknowledge it or not, mighty things are happening.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to share, God will give you one.

Keep it as uncomplicated as it is:

God loves us.
Our sins have separated us.
Jesus died to reconcile us.

Trust in Jesus.
Escape wrath and judgment. 
And live forevermore.

And boom.


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