
The Key

Jesus made a peculiar-sounding promise to His followers that many find confusing:

If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven” (John 20:23).

When Christians read this statement they go a bit cross-eyed because as everyone knows, only God can forgive sins! So what on earth is Jesus talking about?

Well, if you were with us for Easter, you know this verse appeared in the passage. But there wasn’t enough time to do that single verse justice.

But no worries.

I’ve got some time right now, and it looks like you do too!

So let’s get to it!

First (as always) a little context.

It was Resurrection Sunday there in the upper room. Those who assembled that evening are the newly constituted people of God—the Church. And as such, the Lord of the Church appears in their midst and speaks words that will forever define why we congregate and the ministry to which He calls us.

Twice Jesus blesses them with shalom–peace.

When His people assemble in His name, Jesus’ first priority is to settle our hearts. The Prince of Peace stands among us to renew our minds, cast out our fears, and quiet us with His love.

After all, a Christian full of fear and weighted down with worries, is not very useful to God, and, sadly, is missing the whole point.

So when you go to church, remember the Son of God is waiting there to give you the peace of Christ that surpasses understanding.

Next (and just before those puzzling words), Jesus defines our mission: As the Father has sent Me, so I am sending you.

That’s an easy one—Jesus came to seek and save the lost and on the same errand He sends His Church.

Go into all the world and share this Good News! (Matthew 28:19-20)

We are saved to save.
Blessed to be a blessing.

Enlightened to enlighten.
Set free to set free.
Comforted to comfort.

I think you get it.

And understanding this helps explain what comes next: He breathes on them: “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

The breath of heaven: It’s the only way we’ll ever be able to do what He’s called us to do, to be who He’s designed us to be.

“Apart from Me,” Jesus said, “you can’t do any of these things” (John 15:5).

He who enlists us into service, enables us with His power.

Ever feel like you’re running on spiritual fumes? I do at times.

Church was designed by God to impart a fresh infusion of grace to every believing heart, so that we can live effective and satisfying Christian lives. Next time you’re headed to church, remember that Jesus is waiting there to renew your strength.

Okay. Time to take a look at those enigmatic words.

It’s in the context of the church’s mission to evangelize, Jesus says:

“If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven” (John 20:23).

You may recall the Lord saying something similar in earlier chapters when speaking of the mission of His Church.

“I will build my Church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you (the Church) the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:18-19).

Same idea, and might I add, it brings the same confusion…  binding and loosing? What?

The word bind can mean to disallow or forbid; the word loose can mean to allow or permit.

And since the context is salvation and getting to heaven, Jesus uses a perfect metaphor:


I will give you guys the keys that unlock the door to everlasting life.

The key that He’s talking about, of course, is the Gospel. It’s the truth that sets people free (as they put their trust in Him).

So here’s the short answer: God made His people, the Church, the standard bearers of what genuine salvation looks like.

And what it doesn’t look like.

Even the Pharisees, crazy as they were, knew that only God can forgive sins (Mark 2:7).

No, we can’t forgive sins, we simply announce forgiveness in Jesus’ name.

When we share the truth of the Gospel (Jesus’ death and resurrection on our behalf), we insert that proverbial key into the keyhole of their hearts. And whether the door opens to them depends on which way they turn.

Sinners who turn to Him will find their sins forgiven…

By God, of course. Not us.


The process happens through your mouth and mine, so Jesus can say (in essence), You are pronouncing people forgiven as they are trusting My message that saves.

And the same is true in reverse, isn’t it?

We inform people of behavior or thinking that’s NOT in keeping with God’s promise of salvation.

For example.

Have you ever known anyone who claims to be saved, but lives a horribly immoral lifestyle—without an ounce of repentance anywhere to be found?

Since Jesus informs us (John 14:14) that whoever loves Him will keep His commands, the person who claims to know Him but whose life remains in sin, must be warned that their behavior evidences a heart that has not been born again, and therefore, they are not forgiven.

You see?

By proclaiming the truth, forgiveness is either confirmed or denied as it’s measured against the standards entrusted to the Church by Christ Himself.

We’re sort of His gatekeepers, aren’t we?

If you’ve ever traveled to another country, you’ve had to pass through several checkpoints.

Officials stand ready to “allow” or “disallow” travelers based upon their compliance to protocols necessary for entrance.

If those requirements are met, they give a thumbs up; if they are not met, thumbs down.

And remember, these are merely servants/employees who are simply enforcing the requisites entrusted to them by the ones in power.

Sound familiar? It should.

We don’t make the rules, but we have been entrusted by God to make His conditions for reconciliation clear. And we do that in love, with gentleness, humility and great care.

If anyone wants to be forgiven of their sins, it must be by…

Faith alone.
Grace alone.
Christ alone.

And, if you’ve got the real deal, there will be:

Repentance of sin.
Moral transformation.

As defined by the Bible.

What an awesome responsibility we have! We are dealing with eternal souls and forever is a very long time!

And one last word of caution.

We must never mess around with God’s requirements for eternal life or the biblical evidences for genuine salvation.

Human beings don’t have that right. It’s God’s heaven and He makes the rules.

And can you imagine the horror of affirming someone (in Jesus’ name!) down a road that leads to destruction?

I shudder at the thought.

Let’s resist the growing pressure to amend The Rules to placate a world that kicks against God’s narrow way that leads to life.

God has entrusted the key to heaven to you and to me!

That’s crazy. (And beautiful at the same time.)

It’s unspeakable joy having entered those gates ourselves, and it’s just as wonderful to help others do the same!

Share the gospel!
Unlock the door!
And welcome souls into God’s eternal kingdom!

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:13-14).








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